Here are some results from our most recent mission on weight management, the Drop 5 Mission! more less
June is Men's Mental Health Awareness Month! more less
Happy Pride Month! more less
Why Add Strength Training to Your Weekly Routine?

Strength training 2 times per week is important for everyone…particularly those of us who are over the age of 30 when our muscle mass can start declining by 3% to 5% each decade of life.

Between the ages of 50 and 70 many of us will lose up to 30% of our muscle mass.

When we try to lose weight, we can lose some muscle mass as well as fat mass. Strength training however protects our muscle mass and contributes to the overall fat mass that we lose by eating healthier and exercising more.

Now that many of us are living longer lives it is more important than ever to ensure that we maintain our strength, mobility, and reduce the risk of falling. Strength training has been proven to do all these things. more less
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